Best Writers Conferences

Best Writers Conferences

I think every writer should jump at the chance to go to one of these writers conferences – even the hermit kinda writer can get something out of it. It’s healthy for us writers to do so. You might even learn something, but the real golden egg lay in the number of resources that the best writers conferences have to offer: leads and pitches to showcase to agents, publishers, and of course the chance to mingle with other writers. So, here are the best writers conferences that should be on your radar for 2018.

Best Writers Conferences #1 – Writers Digest Conference

When/Where: August 10-12, 2018 | New York City
Is it for you? Yes, it’s for you. Especally if you are wanting to pitch to an agent.

The Writer’s Digest Annual Conference offers everything you need to advance your writing career creatively and professionally. Writers of all backgrounds and experience levels can sharpen their skills, pitch their work to literary agents and find inspiration in the words of experienced mentors. And it’s all brought to you by Writer’s Digest, the experts at nurturing and developing writers at every stage for nearly 100 years.

Best Writers Conferences #2 – Romance Writers of America

When/Where: July 18–21, 2018 | Denver, Colorado
Is it for you?: Great if you writing in the romance genre and are looking to network with agents, publishers, and other romance writers.

The RWA Conference is the place where career-focused romance writers gather to make lasting connections and grow their careers—and so much more. When 2,000 romance writers and industry professionals assemble in one place, the sense of community is undeniable.

Best Writers Conferences #3 – Killer Nashville

When/Where: August 23-26, 2018 | Nashville, Tennessee
Is it for you?: It’s kind of like a comic con for sleuth writers. If you write in the mystery/thriller/suspense genres, then you need to experience this unique writing conference.

Learn, present, meet agents & editors, sign books, mingle with forensic experts, network. Our objective is simple: to educate and empower aspiring and established writers, and connect them with other industry professionals.

Best Writers Conferences #4 – Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference

When/Where: August 15-25, 2018 | Ripton, Vermont
Is it for you?: A 10-day writing entervention. This conference is noted to be a rewarding challenge, but with award-winning authors, agents, and editors you are bound to get loads out of this long conference.

Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference, founded in 1926 and boasting a rich literary and intellectual tradition, gathers together emerging writers to work closely with a diverse and talented faculty. For 10 days in August, conference attendees experience the intensity—and challenge—of working under the guidance of notable writers, including MacArthur Fellows, U.S. poets laureate, and recipients of the Pulitzer Prize and National Book Award. The conference’s rural and scenic setting amid the Green Mountains on the Middlebury College Bread Loaf campus provides an ideal environment for discussing manuscripts, sharing insights, getting to know agents and editors, and becoming acquainted with the next generation of significant writers.

Best Writers Conferences #5 – Yaddo

When/Where: Year-round | Saratoga Springs, New York
Is it for you?: A unique opportunity for writers. I just had to put it on this list. If you picture the writing process of a person hunkered down in a scenic quiet location that could stop time itself then Yaddo is the place for you.

Books Worth Reading:

Yaddo is a retreat for artists located on a 400-acre estate in Saratoga Springs, New York. Its mission is to nurture the creative process by providing an opportunity for artists to work without interruption in a supportive environment.

Wendy Marshall

Wendy Marshall is a publishing agent and the owner of Too Much To Write. She has successfully represented numerous authors, helping them to get their work published and make their dreams come true. Prior to Too Much To Write, Wendy spent a decade working in the publishing industry, first as an editorial assistant and later as an acquisitions editor. She has a deep understanding of the publishing process and a passion for helping writers find success. Wendy specializes in helping authors create books that are both commercially viable and that represent their unique voice and vision. She has a wealth of experience in the industry and loves helping authors navigate the complicated publishing landscape. She believes that every voice deserves to be heard and that every story deserves to be told.