You read fantasy because of the time period right: dreaming of being a sheep farmer, living on some hill with a bunch of kids. No? Ok, well it must be because you reminisce on the good times and think to yourself that you were born in the wrong era and if you could just find a way to time-travel yourself back to the days of swords and boards right. No? Well, it must be because you have an obsession with characters with awesome abilities. Yes? I knew that...

Why should you care about minor characters? Aren't they just fluffy stuff to make the protagonist look good? Yeah, I guess that's one way of putting it, but no: you and I would be wrong in saying that minor characters are in the story to only add "Fluff". Actually, there shouldn’t be anything in there that doesn't do something for the story, and that’s absolutely true when it comes to secondary characters....

We spoke to Lathish Shankar about his newest book Green Fire in the Night Sky, and found out a bit more about his creative process along the way. This is an excerpt of the full interview that you can listen to here. Lathish how long have you been writing? Lathish Shankar:I've been writing since my childhood, and my first book was published in the year 2014. And till now, five books has been published. And this is the sixth book. So, in order to answer the question how long...