With a staggering 15+ books in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, four critically acclaimed movies, it is no brainer as to why the kids everywhere can not get enough of these stories. It seems like finding the best books like Diary of a Wimpy Kid would be an easy feat, but with so many great books for kids out there, things can get overwhelming quickly....

Not everyone can take time away to fly to across the country and spend a week at a writers conference. Never fear because if you have ever heard of that thing called the internet then you can sit in the comfort of your home and get the same experience. Well, almost the same. These Online Writing Courses allows you to pitch, network, and possibly get your foot in the door with an agent. Whatever it takes to get your novel to the next level I say. The list below...

How do you know when your novel is finished? Is it done when you type “The End” on the last page? I think not, and it would surprise me if anyone thought that to be the process. However, writer’s tend to think of themselves as writers and not editors. Funny that might be, but a good writer should be at least equal in his/her self editing skills. It comes with the territory....

I’m a firm believer in that you should tell the story you want to tell in any genre you’d like, regardless of any factors. But when the reality smacks you in the face and you’re not sure how you’ll eat this month; then selling out doesn’t seem so bad....

Readability score is super important. You might not see it, but your audience knows as soon as they pick up your book if it is at their reading level or not. As a writer, a new age demographic can be rough terrain to explore. So knowing if you are talking over your audiences head can be very useful. So don’t shrug this off or it can be very disastrous....

We have a lot of people asking us what the fantasy genre is. When you imagine it, does it conjure up a medieval guy dressed in leather armor with a broadsword strapped to his back? If so, then we are on the same page because that is what I envision. I imagined it because that guy looks awesome in my head, but the reality is that the fantasy genre is all over the place....

Nothing humbles me more than reading a book about writing that breaks new grounds. It amazes me how little I know about the craft of writing after such a read. I’m left feeling elementary but also empowered to do something great. You too should be striving to find new methods for improving yourself as a writer. However, narrowing down what might work for you is a tricky process and with a plethora of books out there, each one having their own brilliant unique process can be quiet the daunting...

I think every writer should jump at the chance to go to one of these writers conferences - even the hermit kinda writer can get something out of it. It's healthy for us writers to do so. You might even learn something, but the real golden egg lay in the number of resources that the best writers conferences have to offer: leads and pitches to showcase to agents, publishers, and of course the chance to mingle with other writers. So, here are the best writers conferences that should...